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DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.Graphics Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Chart.Graphics namespace contains the chart graphics components and settings.
ClassBackdrop Specifies the settings used to draw the background of the Chart object.
ClassLine Holds all of the visual attributes of a Line object.
ClassPoint2d Specifies a point in two dimensions.
ClassPoint3d Specifies a point in 3 dimensional geometric space.
StructureBar Stores the location and size of the Bar area.
EnumerationAntiAliasMode Specifies the antialiasing settings used to draw the object.
EnumerationBackdropStyle Specifies the style used to draw the backdrop of an object.
EnumerationGradientType Specifies the type of gradient to draw.
EnumerationLineStyle Specifies the line style to use.
EnumerationPicturePutStyle Specifies how the image is aligned inside the backdrop.
EnumerationProjectionType Specifies the projection type used.
EnumerationTextAlign Specifies how text is aligned within its rectangle.
EnumerationTextAnchor Specifies how the text shape anchors to its position.
See Also


ActiveReports.Chart Assembly

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