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Licensing ActiveReports
User Guide > Introducing ActiveReports for .NET 3.0 > Licensing ActiveReports

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Licensing a Machine for ActiveReports for .NET 3.0

To license a machine for ActiveReports for .NET 3.0

  1. Locate the original downloaded electronic store package or shipped CD.
  2. Locate the licensing application based on the edition
    • Standard Edition: LicenseStd3.exe or UpgradeStd3.exe
    • Professional Edition: LicensePro3.exe or UpgradePro3.exe
  3. Run the machine licensing executable you located in the above step.
  4. In order to avoid errors, the User Name and Company Name fields must contain at least three characters. Additionally, the User Name field cannot contain more than 128 characters.
  5. Your machine should now be licensed. Please do the following to verify licensing for Windows Forms applications. 
    1. Create a new ActiveReports Windows application project or open an existing one.
    2. In the Solution Explorer window, choose the "Show All Files" icon.

    3. If there is a file called "licenses.licx" in your application's file list, the ActiveReports application is licensed. Please note that the above steps will license your machine for new Windows Forms projects only. If you have an existing Windows Forms project that was created before you purchased the license, you must open the project after performing the steps above and rebuild the solution.
    4. If the "licenses.licx" file does not appear in your application's file list and you still see the evaluation banner, follow the instructions under "Licensing A Project Using the SetLicense() Method" or "Licensing a Project Using the App.Config File" below.

    Licensing a Project Using the SetLicense() Method

    To license a project using the SetLicense() method

    1. Create a "web.config" key by running the "Create Web.Config Key" described in the Web Forms section below.
    2. In your application class, create a report instance and use the SetLicense method to properly set the key you created from Step 1. The string value for the generated key should be "[Name], [Company], [Serial Number], [Generated Hash Code]".

      The following demonstrates how to use SetLicense().

      Visual Basic
      Private Sub myForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
         Dim rpt As New myReport
         'Call SetLicense() before running the report
         rpt.SetLicense("Name, Company, SERIAL NUMBER, Generated Hash Code")
         Me.arViewer.Document = rpt.Document
      End Sub
      private void myForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
          myReport rpt = new myReport();
          //Call SetLicense() before running the report
          rpt.SetLicense("Name, Company, SERIAL NUMBER, Generated Hash Code");
          this.arViewer.Document = rpt.Document;

    Licensing a Project Using the App.config File

    To license a project using the App.config File

    1. Create a "web.config" key by running the "Create Web.Config Key" described in the Web Forms section below.
    2. Add an App.config file to your project by selecting “Add New Item” from the Project menu of Visual Studio and choosing the “Application configuration file” template.
    3. After the file has been added, double-click it within Solution Explorer to open the file.
    4. Copy the XML generated by the Data Dynamics ActiveReports Web Key Generator and paste it between the opening and closing <configuration> tags. Your App.config file should look similar to the following.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
              <add key="DataDynamicsARLic" value="Name,Company,SERIAL NUMBER,Generated Hash Code" />
    The letters of your serial number must be entered into the Web Key Generator in CAPITAL LETTERS.

    Licensing Web Forms Projects

    To license Web Forms Projects

    1. If you are using a Web Forms project you must create a web.config key for your project using the utility located in the Start Menu under All Programs > Data Dynamics > ActiveReports for .NET > Create Web.Config Key.
    2. Enter the same information you used to license the machine and it will create a key that you can copy into your project's Web.Config file between the opening and closing <configuration> tags to remove the licensing message. The web.config key looks like the following.

              <add key="DataDynamicsARLic" value="Name,Company,SERIAL NUMBER,Generated Hash Code" />
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