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Standard Edition Samples
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The ActiveReports installation contains numerous samples that illustrate different features of ActiveReports and provide sample code in Visual Basic .NET and C#. These samples demonstrate the functionality of the Standard Edition of ActiveReports for .NET. All samples are located at <Installation Folder>\Samples, except for the ASP.NET Web samples, which are located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Data Dynamics\ActiveReports for .NET 3.0\Samples.


Annual Report
Demonstrates subreports, nested subreports, modifying data source properties at run time, parameters in the chart control, alternate row highlighting and pagebreak control.
Demonstrates using Standard Edition in ASP.NET. It shows how to use custom exporting without the Pro Edition server controls or RPX handlers as well as running reports on the server, exporting output to HTML or PDF streams and pushing content to the client. The sample also demonstrates using the ActiveX viewer control to view report output on the client machine. 
Bound Data
Demonstrates binding to ADO.NET Data objects.
Demonstrates the usage and effects of the CacheToDisk property.
Calculated Fields 
Demonstrates using an unbound data field to perform a calculation which can then be aggregated.
Category Selection
Demonstrates using the ad hoc report filter by modifying the report's SQL query at run time.
Demonstrates the use of the Chart control in both bound and unbound modes.
Demonstrates using unbound data, conditional highlighting and distributing data across columns to create a cross-tab view and data aggregation.
Custom Preview
Demonstrates using viewer control customization, export filters, rich edit control and mail-merge, parameters in the chart control, and grouping.
DataField Expressions
Demonstrates the use of expressions in the DataField properties of controls.
Demonstrates rendering a stand-alone RPX file to PDF and e-mailing the PDF file as an attachment using the default mail client.
Hyperlinks and Drill-Downs
Demonstrates using hyperlinks and the viewer hyperlink event to simulate drill-down from one report to another.
iList Binding 
Demonstrates how to bind reports to objects.
Print Multiple Pages Per Sheet
Demonstrates how to print multiple pages of a report on a single sheet of paper.
RDF File Viewer
Demonstrates customizing the WinForms viewer control toolbar, loading Report Document Files (RDF) and using the export filters.
Report Assemblies
Demonstrates distributing reports as separate assembly files and calling them from the main application .exe file.
Shows the proper use of Reports with SubReports to minimize memory usage.
Unbound Data
Demonstrates retrieving data from an array and from a text file in unbound mode.
XML Data
Demonstrates the XML data source and using it to run multi-level reports with and without using subreports.

See Also

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