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Professional Edition Samples
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User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Samples > Professional Edition Samples

Glossary Item Box

The ActiveReports installation contains numerous samples that illustrate different features of ActiveReports and provide sample code in Visual Basic .NET and C#. These samples demonstrate the functionality of the Professional Edition of ActiveReports for .NET. All samples are located at <Installation Folder>\Samples, except for the ASP.NET Web samples, which are located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Data Dynamics\ActiveReports for .NET 3.0\Samples.

ASP.NET Web Sample

The ASP.NET Web Samples demonstrate the use of Professional Edition ASP.NET features, including HTTP Handlers, Report Caching, and the Server Viewer Control in both Visual Studio 2003 and 2005.

The ASP.NET user machine will need to have ASP.NET write access before running the sample or an exception may be thrown during execution.
End-User Report Designer Control
Demonstrates a custom end-user report designer that can be integrated in your applications to allow users to modify report layouts.

See Also

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