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Binding Reports to a Data Source
See Also
User Guide > How-To Section > Binding Reports to a Data Source

Glossary Item Box

ActiveReports allows much flexibility in binding reports to various kinds of data sources. In this section, you will learn how to use different methods to bind reports to data sources.

DAO and RDO data controls are no longer supported in ActiveReports for .NET. The ADO data control is converted to an ADO.NET data source. Data controls are removed and replaced with a report data source dialog accessible from the data source icon on the detail section of the report. The XML Data control is converted into an XML data source.
Learn how to bind a report to a data source using a dataset.
Data View
Learn how to bind a report to a data source using a data view.
Data Source Icon
Learn how to bind a report to a data source using the DataSource icon in the ActiveReports Designer.

See Also

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