ActiveReports 8 Server Administrator Guide
Using RPX Reports from ActiveReports

You can upload your existing ActiveReports RPX files to take advantage of the ActiveReports 8 Server scheduling, security, and scalability features. Of necessity, there are some limits to what is supported. Here are some tips to make your RPX files compliant with ActiveReports 8 Server.

Only self-contained RPX files are supported

To upload developer ActiveReports RPX files

Developer ActiveReports appear in the list of available reports in the Reporting Portal as well as in the Reports list in the Administrator Dashboard. In the Open page of the Reporting Portal, they have only Preview and Delete buttons, with the Design button omitted.

  1. From the Administrator Dashboard, select the Reports page.
  2. Below the list of reports, next to Upload Existing Report, click the Browse button.
  3. In the Open dialog that appears, navigate to the RPX file that you want to distribute via ActiveReports 8 Server, select it, and click Open.
  4. The dialog closes and a shortened path to the file appears in the Browse box. Click Upload to add the report to the Reports list in both the Administrator Dashboard and the Reporting Portal.

Note: Developer ActiveReports cannot be edited in the ActiveReports 8 Server designer. To edit such reports, please use ActiveReports in Visual Studio or in an End User Designer application created with the Pro Edition of ActiveReports.

To schedule developer ActiveReports

As with any report, you can schedule RPX reports to run at certain times, and have them automatically sent to stakeholders. For details, please see the Scheduling Reports and Schedule Options topics in the User Guide.

See Also



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