ActiveReports 8
Work with Data
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The Map data region uses the following two types of data:

Spatial Data

Spatial data is a set of coordinates that defines a map element. Each map layer must have spatial data of one of the following types - a polygon, a line, or a point.

Spatial data can be either embedded in a map or can be linked to a map layer. The only difference between the two is that while having the spatial data embedded in a map, there is no separate file to locate or to keep track of when you move the report between projects or machines.

ActiveReports provide numerous ways to add spatial data to the map. You can either use the Map Wizard and add data from an ESRI shapefile or use the Map Layer Data Properties dialog for using advance options. You can also add spatial data from the Properties Window.

To add spatial data using Map Wizard

To add spatial data using the Map Layer Data Properties dialog

To add spatial data using Properties Window

Analytical Data

Analytical data is the data that you want to visualize on the map, for example, tourist attractions in a city or product sales by region. For analytical data, you can associate it with map elements by indicating match fields in the Match box of the Map Layer Data Properties dialog. You can use one or more fields in the Match box of the Map Layer Data Properties dialog; for each spatial data field you must indicate a unique analytical data field. This data is optional.

You can get analytical data from the following types of data sources.

To add Analytical Data to the Map control

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