ActiveReports 8
Detail Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see Detail members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the section. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
Public PropertyCanGrow

Indicates whether the section height should grow when its controls extend beyond its original height.

(Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
Public PropertyCanShrink

Indicates whether the section height should be adjusted to the exact total height of its controls.

(Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
Public PropertyColumnCountGets or sets a value that specifies the number of newspaper columns in the report.  
Public PropertyColumnDirectionDetermines how ActiveReports should print the detail section in a multi-column report.  
Public PropertyColumnSpacingSets or returns the space between columns in a multi-column report.  
Public PropertyControlsGets a collection of all controls contained in the section. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of the section. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
Public PropertyKeepTogetherGets or sets a value that determines whether the section should be printed on a single page.  
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the section. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
Public PropertyNewColumnGets or sets a value that determines whether a new column should be started before and/or after printing the section.  
Public PropertyNewPageGets or sets a value that determines whether a new page should be inserted before and/or after printing the section.  
Public PropertyRepeatToFillGets or sets a value that determines whether the section's formatting should print to fill the page when there is not enough data to fill it.  
Public PropertyTagGets or sets user-defined information to be persisted with the section. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
Public PropertyTypeGets the section's type. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
Public PropertyVisible

Specifies whether the section should be printed or not.

(Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel.Section)
See Also


Detail Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel Namespace

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