ActiveReports 8

Annotations are floating text bars or images to call attention to specific items or values or to add notes and special instructions directly to the reports. Annotations added via the viewer's toolbar are temporary and are destroyed when the report closes.

These annotations are accessible through the Annotation button present on the Viewer toolbar which is hidden by default. You can make the Annotations toolbar visible by setting the AnnotationToolbarVisible Property to True in the viewer's properties window.

Available Annotations

To add annotations using the Viewer

These steps assume that you have already placed the Viewer control onto a Windows Form and loaded a report in it. See Using the Viewer for more information.
  1. In your Visual Studio project, on the Form where the Viewer control is placed, select the Viewer control an right-click to choose Properties.
  2. In the Properties Window that appears, set the AnnotationToolbarVisible property to True to get an additional toolbar in the viewer control.
  3. Run the report application and select the annotation you want use from the Annotation toolbar on the Viewer.
  4. Drag the annotation to the desired location on the report design surface. The annotation appears with a Delete and a Properties button on the top left corner.
  5. Inside the annotation, click the Properties button to view its properties in the Properties Window and use those properties to enter text, change color or transparency, set border or font, alignment etc.
  6. Close the Properties Window to apply changes to the annotation.
  7. Drag the corners to resize the annotation as needed. You can also select entire annotation to move it to another location on the report. 
  8. Right-click the annotation to display the annotation context menu. The context menu includes the Properties and Delete commands.
Note: You can print a page or section report that contains annotations. In a section report, you can also save a report with annotations in RDF format. See Add and Save Annotations for further details.
See Also
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