ActiveReports Developer 7
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You can use the Sparkline report control as a simple means of displaying the trend of data in a small graph. The Sparkline displays the most recent value as the rightmost data point and compares it with earlier values on a scale, allowing you to view general changes in data over time. With the height similar to the surrounding text and the width not more than 14 letters wide, the sparkline fits well in dashboards, reports, and other documents.

Customize the Sparkline control with the following types.

Type Description
Line The Line sparkline is widely used in financial and economic data analysis and is based on a continuous flow of data. The currency exchange rates, changes in price are the examples of application of this type of sparklines.
Columns The Column sparkline is used for sports scores, cash register receipts, and other cases where previous values and the current value do not closely influence one another. In this case you are dealing with discrete data points, and not a continuous flow of data as in the Line sparkline.
Whiskers The Whisker sparkline is typically used in win/loss/tie or true/false scenarios. This type is similar to the Column sparkline, but it renders a tie (0 value) in a different manner. The bars in a whisker sparkline render below the baseline for a negative value, above the baseline for a positive value, and on the baseline for a zero value.
Area The Area sparkline is similar to the Line sparkline but visually you see the space under the line as shaded.
StackedBar The Stacked Bar sparkline is presented as a horizontal bar with different segment lengths marked by distinct color hues. The Stacked bar illustrates how the various segments of a part-to-whole relationship correspond to one another - the largest segment represents the highest value and the change in brightness indicates a new value on a scale.

Sparkline Dialog

Properties for the Sparkline are available in the Sparkline dialog. To open it, with the Sparkline control selected on the report, under the Properties Window, click the Property dialog link.

The Sparkline dialog lets you set properties on the report control with the following pages.








Data Output

See Also

How To



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