ActiveReports Developer 7
Save and Load RPX Report Files
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Although ActiveReports Developer writes report layouts in either C# or Visual Basic.NET, you can save the layout of your report as a report XML (RPX) file for portability. If you make changes to the RPX file and load it back into an ActiveReport in Visual Studio, you can see the changes you made reflected in the C# or Visual Basic.NET code in the YourReportName.Designer.vb or YourReportName.Designer.cs file.

Caution: When you load an RPX layout into a report object, it overwrites everything in the report object. In order to avoid overwriting important layouts, add a new blank ActiveReport and load the RPX file onto it.

To save a report as an RPX file at design time

To load an RPX file at design time

To save a report as an RPX file at runtime

To load an RPX file into the ActiveReports viewer at runtime

See Also



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