ActiveReports Developer 7
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In ActiveReports, the ReportInfo control allows you to quickly display page numbers, page counts, and report dates. The ReportInfo control is a text box with a selection of preset FormatString options. You can set page counts to count the pages for the entire report, or for a specified group.

You can customize the preset values by editing the string after you select it. For example, if you want to display the total number of pages in the ReportHeader section, you can enter a value like:

Total of {PageCount} pages.
Caution: With large reports using the CacheToDisk property, placing page counts in header sections may have an adverse effect on memory as well as rendering speed. Since the rendering of the header is delayed until ActiveReports determines the page count of the following sections, CacheToDisk is unable to perform any optimization.  For more information on this concept, see Optimizing Section Reports.

For more information on creating formatting strings, see the Date, Time, and Number Formatting topic.

Important Properties

Displaying page numbers and report dates

Displaying group level page counts

ReportInfo Dialog

With the control selected on the report, in the Commands section at the bottom of the Properties window, you can click the Property dialog command to open the dialog.







See Also



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