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In a fixed page layout, the OverflowPlaceHolder control is a rectangular placeholder for data that does not fit inside the fixed size of a List, BandedList, Matrix or Table data region. When you link a data region to an OverflowPlaceHolder, this control gets its Size property values from the FixedSize of the data region it is linked with.

You can also place multiple OverflowPlaceHolder controls in a report to create different looks for your data output. Link a data region to an OverflowPlaceHolder control and then link that OverflowPlaceHolder control to another OverflowPlaceHolder control. Two common layouts that you can create through this process are:

Data overflow to an OverflowPlaceHolder

You can bind overflow data from a data region to an OverflowPlaceHolder control or from an OverflowPlaceHolder control to another OverflowPlaceHolder control in a report. The following steps take you through the process:

These steps assume that you have already added a Page Report template to your project, connected it to a data source and added a DataSet. See Connect to a Data Source and Add a Dataset for more information.

To link a data region to an OverflowPlaceHolder control

To link an OverflowPlaceHolder control to another OverflowPlaceHolder control

Caution: In a report with multiple OverflowPlaceHolder controls, link the OverflowPlaceHolder controls to their respective data regions and other OverflowPlaceHolder controls such that the overflow chain does not break.
See Also




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