ActiveReports Developer 7
Multiline in Report Controls

ActiveReports Developer allows you to display text within a control on multiple lines.

Multiline in Section Reports

In a section report, to enable multiline display in your report control, you need to set the Multiline Property to True. Then, with your control in edit mode, insert line breaks at the desired location using the Enter key or Ctrl + Enter keys to create multiline text. However, when the MultiLine property is set to False, text entered into the control is displayed on a single line.

You can display multiline text in TextBox, RichTextBox and Label controls.

Multiline in Page Reports

In a page report, with your control in edit mode, insert line breaks at the desired location using the Enter key or Ctrl + Enter key to create multiline text. You can also insert line breaks in the Expression Editor through the Value property of the control.

You can display multiline text in the TextBox and CheckBox controls.

Note: In edit mode, scrollbars appear automatically to fit multiline content within a control. However, these are not displayed in the preview tab, so you may need to adjust the Size property of the control to display all of the text.
See Also



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