ActiveReports Developer 7
Grouping Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by Grouping.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorGrouping ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Grouping class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCustom

Gets or sets information to be passed to the report output component.

Public PropertyDataCollectionName

Gets or sets the name to use for the data element for the collection of all instances of this group.

Public PropertyDataElementName

Gets or sets the name for the data element for instances of this group.

Public PropertyDataElementOutput

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the group appears in a data rendering.

Public PropertyFilters

Gets filters to apply to each instance of the group.

Public PropertyGroupExpressions

Gets a set of expressions by which to group the data.

Public PropertyLabel

Gets or sets a label to identify an instance of the group within the client UI (to provide a user-friendly label for searching).

Public PropertyName

Gets or sets the name of the grouping.

Public PropertyNewSection

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grouping is in it's own section

Public PropertyPageBreakAtEnd

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the report breaks to a new page at the end of the group.

Public PropertyPageBreakAtStart

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the report breaks to a new page at the start of the group.

Public PropertyParent

Gets or sets an expression that identifies the parent group in a recursive hierarchy.

Public Methods
Public MethodValidateValidates the information in each property of the Grouping object.  
See Also


Grouping Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel Namespace