ActiveReports Developer 7
Footer Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by Footer.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorFooter Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the Footer class.

Public Properties
Public PropertyComponentsGets a ReportComponentCollection object containing all the components hosted in the control. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.HeaderFooter)
Public PropertyContainer (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public PropertyParentGets or sets an IReportComponentContainer interface representing the parent hosting the component. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.ReportComponent)
Public PropertyPrintAtBottom

Gets or sets a value indicating if the rows corresponding to the footer is pushed to bottom by empty rows..

Public PropertyRepeatOnNewPage

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the footer or header is displayed on each page on which the table or group is displayed.

(Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.HeaderFooter)
Public PropertySite (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public PropertyTableRows

Gets the footer or header rows for the table or group.

(Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.HeaderFooter)
Public Methods
Public MethodCreateObjRef (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodDispose (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public MethodGetLifetimeService (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeService (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public MethodValidateValidates the information in each property of the HeaderFooter. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.HeaderFooter)
Public Events
Public EventDisposed (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
See Also


Footer Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel Namespace