ActiveReports Developer 7
PageDocument Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by PageDocument.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPageDocument ConstructorInitializes a new instance of PageDocument Class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyPageReportGets the ReportDefinition for the report.  
Public PropertyParametersGets the parameters for the report.  
Public PropertyPrinterGets a reference to the document's printer settings.  
Public PropertyPrintOptionsGets a reference to the document's print options.  
Public Methods
Public MethodDisposePerforms tasks associated with freeing and releasing resources.  
Public MethodRenderOverloaded. Provides the output of the report to the specified rendering extension.  
Public MethodResetPrinterResets the printer properties.  
Public Events
Public EventLocateCredentialsOccurs when the report needs to obtain data source credentials from the calling application.  
Public EventLocateDataSourceOccurs when the report needs to locate a data source with from the calling application.  
Public EventPrintAbortedOccurs if the user clicks the Abort button on the status dialog.  
Public EventPrintingThreadErrorEventOccurs when an exception is thrown by the printing thread.  
Public EventPrintProgressOccurs when the document pages are printing.  
See Also


PageDocument Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document Namespace