ActiveReports Developer 7
IBandedListGroup Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IBandedListGroup.

Public Properties
 PropertyDataCollectionNameThe name of the banded list group element.  
 PropertyDataElementNameThe name of this group instance element.  
 PropertyDataElementOutputSpecifies a name of this BandedListGroup.  
 PropertyDetailsReturns the Details Band for this Group.  
 PropertyGroupFooterSpecifies footer for this group instance.  
 PropertyGroupHeaderSpecifies header for this group instance.  
Specifies initial visibility for this instance.
 PropertyKeepTogetherReturns KeepTogether property for this Group.  
 PropertyNameSpecifies a name of this BandedListGroup.  
 PropertyPageBreakAtEndReturns PageBreakAtEnd property for this Group.  
 PropertyPageBreakAtStartReturns PageBreakAtStart property for this Group.  
 PropertySubGroupsReturns SubGroups for this Group.  
See Also


IBandedListGroup Interface
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components.BandedList Namespace