ActiveReports Developer 7
ILayoutPage Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ILayoutPage.

Public Properties
Returns a page body area (where page content should be laid out).
 PropertyFooterPage footer section for this instance.  
 PropertyHeaderPage header section for this instance.  
 PropertyHeightSpecifies page height.  
 PropertyIsDirtyAllows to track changes for this page instance since last rendering.  
 PropertyIsHorizontalSpecifies that a horizontal layout is being used.  
 PropertyMaxHeightSpecifies maximum height of the page.  
 PropertyMaxWidthSpecifies maximum width of the page.  
Returns the page number.
 PropertyWidthSpecifies page width.  
Public Methods
 MethodEnterRenderingContextMethod that notifies when rendering begins for a page.  
 MethodHitTestHelper function that performs hit-testing for a complete page by checking header, body and footer when applicable.  
 MethodLeaveRenderingContextMethod that notifies when rendering is completed for a page.  
See Also


ILayoutPage Interface
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Layout Namespace