ActiveReports Developer 7
Export(SectionDocument,String) Method

The ActiveReports Document object to export.
The file name and path to which to save the main HTML file. If multiple filenames are generated (such as images, or table of contents pages) this argument's value will be used as a prefix for the other file names.
Exports the entire ActiveReports document to the specified HTML file.
Overloads Sub Export( _
   ByVal document As SectionDocument, _
   ByVal filePath As System.String _
void Export( 
   SectionDocument document,
   System.string filePath


The ActiveReports Document object to export.
The file name and path to which to save the main HTML file. If multiple filenames are generated (such as images, or table of contents pages) this argument's value will be used as a prefix for the other file names.
See Also


IDocumentExport Interface
IDocumentExport Members
Overload List