ActiveReports Developer 7
WallRange Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by WallRange.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWallRange ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the WallRange object.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAdjacentAxesGets or sets the adjacent axes collection.  
Public PropertyBackdropGets or sets the Backdrop information with which to fill the wall range.  
Public PropertyBorderGets or sets the border information used to outline the WallRange.  
Public PropertyDrawOnTopOfGridLinesGets or sets a value indicating whether to draw the current WallRange after the grid lines are drawn.  
Public PropertyEndValueGets or sets the end value of the wall range.  
Public PropertyPrimaryAxisGets or sets the primary axis for the WallRange.  
Public PropertyStartValueGets or sets the start value of the wall range.  
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the wall range is visible.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneOverridden. Creates a clone of the WallRange object.  
See Also


WallRange Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart Namespace