ActiveReports Developer 7
PlaneItem Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class.

Overload List
PlaneItem Constructor()

Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class.

PlaneItem Constructor(AntiAliasMode)Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class with the specified AntiAliasMode.  
PlaneItem Constructor(Backdrop)Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class with the specified backdrop info.  
PlaneItem Constructor(Backdrop,AntiAliasMode)Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class with the specified parameters.  
PlaneItem Constructor(Backdrop,Single)Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class with the specified parameters.  
PlaneItem Constructor(Backdrop,Single,AntiAliasMode)Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class with the specified parameters.  
PlaneItem Constructor(Backdrop,Boolean,Single)Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class with the specified parameters.  
PlaneItem Constructor(Backdrop,Boolean,Single,AntiAliasMode)Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class with the specified parameters.  
PlaneItem Constructor(AntiAliasMode,Backdrop,Boolean,Single,ContextMenu)Initializes a new instance of the PlaneItem class with the specified parameters.  
See Also


PlaneItem Class
PlaneItem Members