ActiveReports Developer 7

ActiveReports Developer provides two independent ways to export a report to different formats:

The following table illustrates the different export formats for section and page reports.

Export formats Section report Page report
Html: Export reports to HTML, DHTML, or MHT formats, all of which open in a Web browser.
Pdf: Export reports to PDF, a portable document format that opens in the Adobe Reader.
Rtf: Export reports to RTF, RichText Format that opens in Microsoft Word, and is native to WordPad.
Doc: Export reports to Word, a format that opens in Microsoft Word.
Text: Export reports to TXT, plain text format that opens in Notepad or any text editor. Export reports to CSV, comma separated values, a format that you can open in Microsoft Excel.
Image: Export reports to BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, or PNG image formats.
Tiff: Export reports to TIFF image format for optical archiving and faxing.
Excel: Export reports to formats that open in Microsoft Excel, XLS or XLSX (Excel 2007).
Xml: Export reports to XML, a format that opens in a Web browser or delivers data to other applications.

When exporting a report to PDF with the PDF Export or the PDF rendering extension, you can use the following function.

See Also

How To



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