ActiveReports Developer 7
Common Values

Common Values are run time values available to every property in every report. You can directly drag and drop these common values from the Report Explorer onto the design surface or add and modify the values from the Expression Editor. Following is a list of the values that you can see under the Common Values node in the Report Explorer and the Expression Editor.

Value Description Expression
Page N of M Gets both the current page and the total number of pages in the report. ="Page " & Globals!PageNumber & " of" & Globals!TotalPages
Page N of M (Section) Gets both the current page and the total number of pages in the report section. ="Page " & Globals!PageNumberInSection & " of " & Globals!TotalPagesInSection
Page N of M (Cumulative) Gets both the current page and the total number of cumulative pages in a report. ="Page " & Globals!CumulativePageNumber & " of " & Globals!CumulativeTotalPages
Current Date and Time Gets the date and time when the report began to run. =Globals!ExecutionTime
User ID Gets the machine name/user name of the current user. =User!UserID
Page Number Gets the current page number in the report. =Globals!PageNumber
Page Number (Section) Gets the current page number in the report section. =Globals!PageNumberInSection
Total Pages Gets the total number of pages in the report. =Globals!TotalPages
Total Pages (Section) Gets the total number of pages in the report section. =Globals!TotalPagesInSection
Cumulative Page Number Gets the current cumulative page number. =Globals!CumulativePageNumber
Cumulative Total Pages Gets the total number of cumulative pages in the report. =Globals!CumulativeTotalPages
Report Folder Gets the name of the folder containing the report. =Globals!ReportFolder
Report Name Gets the name of the report. =Globals!ReportName
User Language Gets the language settings of the current user. =User!Language
Note: Page N of M (Section), Page Number (Section) or Total Pages (Section) is applied to page numbering when you set grouping in a report. Each section represents a group, not to be confused with sections in a section report.
See Also



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