The Class Library contains documentation and code samples for the entire ActiveReports API.
This section contains information about
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the namespaces ActiveReports, Data, Expressions, PageReportModel, and SectionReportModel.
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the namespaces Chart (including all axes, data, data points, legends, series, titles, and other configurable items in the charts), Annotations, Graphics, Styling, and Wizard.
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Design.Win.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Design namespace (including all End User Report Designer features).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the namespaces ActiveReports (border classes), Document.Section (including canvas drawing classes, bookmarks, paper sizes, etc.), and Export.Html (for HTML output types).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Excel.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Export.Excel namespace (Excel export class with export methods and properties).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Html.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Export.Html namespace (HTML export class with export methods and properties).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Image.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Export.Image namespace (Image export class with export methods and properties).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Export.Pdf namespace (PDF export, document options, and security classes).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Word.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Export.Word namespace (Word export class with export methods and properties).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Xml.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Export.Xml namespace (XML export class with export methods and properties).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Extensibility namespace (ResourceLocator class and interfaces used with the page report designer).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Silverlight.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the namespaces ActiveReports (including the Silverlight Viewer), and ViewModel.
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Win.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the Windows.Forms namespace (Viewer class with methods and properties).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Wpf Assembly
- This assembly contains Viewer.Wpf namespace (classes similar to Viewer.Win namespace).
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web.v7 Assembly
- This assembly contains the namespaces Web (including the WebViewer), ExportOptions, and Handlers.
See Also
Welcome to ActiveReports Developer 7