ActiveReports Developer 7
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The Bullet report control is an easy-to-read linear gauge that is a good alternative to using a dashboard for data visualization.

A bullet graph has a pointer that shows a key measure. With this control, you can take a single value, the year-to-date revenue for example, and compare it to a target value that you define in the control's properties. You can also define the beginning of the graph as the worst value and the end of the graph as the best value. To make the data visualization even more intuitive, you can define a qualitative range (bad, satisfactory and good) for segments on the bullet graph and immediately see the position of the key measure within the bullet graph range.

You can combine multiple Bullets into a data region, a table for example, to show single values side by side. You can orient Bullets horizontally or vertically, and put them together as a stack to analyze several data dimensions at once.

Bullet Dialog

Properties for the Bullet are available in the Bullet dialog. To open it, with the Bullet control selected on the report, under the Properties Window, click the Property dialog link.

The Bullet dialog lets you set properties on the report control with the following pages.

Note: You can click <Expression...> in many of these properties to open the Expression Editor where you can create an expression to determine the value. For properties with enumerated values, the values are listed under Constants in the Fields tree view on the left side of the Expression Editor.








Data Output

See Also

How To



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