ActiveReports Developer 7
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The BandedList data region is a collection of free-form bands. By default, it is composed of three bands: a header, a footer and a detail band. Bound report controls in the detail band repeat for every row of data. The header and footer rows render once at the beginning and end of the BandedList, respectively, and are a good place for titles and grand totals.

Click inside each band to reveal its properties in the Properties window, or click the four-way arrow to select the entire data region and reveal its properties. Properties for this data region include the following.

Band Properties

BandedList Properties

You can add group header and group footer bands. Report controls in these bands repeat once for each group instance. You can also nest groups, plus, in CPL reports, you can nest other data regions in any header or footer band. Grouping in the BandedList is similar to grouping in the Table data region. You can provide a grouping expression for each group, and also sort the groups.

Caution: You cannot sort the detail data in a BandedList, so any sorting of this type must be done at the query level.

BandedList Dialog

Properties for the BandedList data region are available in the BandedList dialog. To open it, with the BandedList selected on the report, under the Properties Window, click the Property dialog link.

The BandedList dialog lets you set properties on the data region with the following pages.

Note: You can click <Expression...> in many of these properties to open the Expression Editor where you can create an expression to determine the value.






Data Output

See Also

How To



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