Using the Designer Events

The runtime designer uses four main events to control the actions performed by the end user. These events are LayoutChanged, SelChange, StatusChange and ValidateChange.


LayoutChanged fires when the designer's layout is changed. The event can be used to monitor changes made to the report layout and update any dependent data such as SQL queries or custom user interfaces. The following list gives a description for the different layout changes.

Setting Description
ddLCControlMove 0 – A control's position has changed.
ddLCControlSize 1 – A control's size has changed.
ddLCControlDelete 2 – A control has been deleted.
ddLCSectionSize 3 – A section's size has changed.
ddLCSectionDelete 4 – A section is deleted.
ddLCSectionMove 5 – A section is moved.
ddLCReportSize 6 – The report's size is changed.
ddLCControlAdd 7 – A new control has been added to the report.


SelChange fires when an item in the designer is selected. The event can be used to identify the selected item by accessing the designer's SelectedObjects property.


StatusChange fires for each change in the status of the designer action. Designer actions represent the commands typically invoked from UI elements such as toolbars or menus. The following list gives a description for all of the actions:

Setting Description
ddActionFOpen 1 - File: Open.
ddActionFSave 2 - File: Save.
ddActionFPageSetup 3 - File: Page Setup.
ddActionECut 4 - Edit: Cut.
ddActionEPaste 5 - Edit: Paste.
ddActionECopy 6 - Edit: Copy.
ddActionEUndo 7 - Edit: Undo.
ddActionEDelete 8 - Edit: Delete.
ddActionEDeleteSection 9 - Edit: Delete Section.
ddActionEInsertReportHF 10 - Edit: Insert Report Header/Footer.
ddActionEInsertPageHF 11 - Edit: Insert Page Header/Footer.
ddActionEInsertGroupHF 12 - Edit: Insert Group Header/Footer.
ddActionEReorderGroups 13 - Edit: Reorder Groups.
ddActionEInsertField 14 - Edit: Insert Field.
ddActionViewExplorer 15 - View: Report Explorer.
ddActionViewFieldsList 16 - View: Fields List.
ddActionViewPropertyList 17 - View: Property Listbox.
ddActionViewGrid 18 - View: Grid.
ddActionViewSnapToGrid 19 - View: Snap to grid.
ddActionViewFullScreen 20 - View: Full screen.
ddActionViewCodeEditor 21 - View: Script Code Editor.
ddActionFoAlignLefts 22 - Format: Align Control Lefts.
ddActionFoAlignRights 23 - Format: Align Control Rights.
ddActionFoAlignCenters 24 - Format: Align Control Centers.
ddActionFoAlignTops 25 - Format: Align Control Tops.
ddActionFoAlignMiddles 26 - Format: Align Control Middles.
ddActionFoAlignBottoms 27 - Format: Align Control Bottoms.
ddActionFoAlignToGrid 28 - Format: Align to Controls Grid.
ddActionFoAlignCenterInSec 29 - Format: Align: Center Control in Section.
ddActionFoSizeSameWidth 30 - Format: Size controls to the same width.
ddActionFoSizeSameHeight 31 - Format: Size controls to the same height.
ddActionFoSizeSameBoth 32 - Format: Size controls to the same width and height.
ddActionFoVSpaceEqual 33 - Format: Space controls even vertically.
ddActionFoVSpaceIncrease 34 - Format: Increase vertical spacing.
ddActionFoVSpaceDecrease 35 - Format: Decrease vertical spacing.
ddActionFoHSpaceEqual 36 - Format: Space controls even horizontally.
ddActionFoHSpaceIncrease 37 - Format: Increase horizontal spacing.
ddActionFoHSpaceDecrease 38 - Format: Decrease horizontal spacing.
ddActionFoOrderBringToFront 39 - Format: Bring control to the foreground.
ddActionFoOrderSendToBack 40 - Format: Send control to the background.
ddActionFoLockControls 41 - Format: Lock controls size and position.
ddActionFoStyle 42 - Format: Style.
ddActionFoFontName 43 - Format: Font name.
ddActionFoFontSize 44 - Format: Font size.
ddActionFoFontBold 45 - Format: bold.
ddActionFoFontItalic 46 - Format: Italic.
ddActionFoTextAlignLeft 47 - Format: Align text left.
ddActionFoTextAlignCenter 48 - Format: Align text center.
ddActionFoTextAlignRight 49 - Format: Align text Right.
ddActionFoForeColor 50 - Format: Set foreground color.
ddActionFoBackColor 51 - Format: Set background color.
ddActionFoLineStyle 52 - Format: Set line style.
ddActionFoLineColor 53 - Format: Set line color.
ddActionFoBorder 54 - Format: Set border styles.
ddActionFoBullets 55 - Format: Set bullet style.
ddActionFoIndent 56 - Format: Indent text.
ddActionFoOutdent 57 - Format: Outdent text.
ddActionFoUnderline 58 - Underline.

Note: The ExecuteAction method can be used to execute most of the actions above. The items that cannot be executed with this method are items requiring parameters, such as color, font, size and style.


ValidateChange fires before an item is moved, sized or deleted. This event can be used to control the end user's actions. For instance, this event can be used to prevent the user from removing or moving an important control.

These events can be demonstrated by adding the following to the sample project.

  1. Select the following components from Visual Basic's components list:

    Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0

    Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0

  2. Add a status bar to the bottom of frmMain and change its name to sb.
  3. Add a second panel to the status bar and set its AutoSize property to 1-sbrSpring.
  4. Add a common dialog control to frmMain and set its name to cmDLG.
  5. Add the following main menu item to Visual Basic's menu editor:
    Caption &File
    Name mFile
  6. Add the following submenu item to the File menu:
    Caption &Exit
    Name mExit
  7. Add the following second main menu item to the menu editor:
    Caption &Edit
    Name mEdit
  8. Add the following submenu item to the Edit menu:
    Caption &Font
    Name mFont
  9. Modify the projects code to handle the added menu items:

    Private Sub mExit_Click()
    Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub mFont_Click()
    'Show the font dialog box
    cmDLG.Flags = cdlCFBoth
    'Updated the selected item(s) with the new font specs
    For x = 0 To ard.SelectedObjects.Count - 1
    ard.SelectedObjects(x).Font.Name = cmDLG.FontName
    ard.SelectedObjects(x).Font.Size = cmDLG.FontSize
    ard.SelectedObjects(x).Font.Underline = cmDLG.FontUnderline
    ard.SelectedObjects(x).Font.Italic = cmDLG.FontItalic
    Next x
    End Sub

  10. Modify the prepPreview and prepDeisgner subs to handle the menu items:

    Private Sub prepPreview()
    On Error GoTo errHndl
    'Writes the designer's layout
    'to the report so it can be previewed.
    ard.SaveToObject rpt
    'Saves the report object to the specified style
    rpt.Save App.Path & "\sample report.rpx", ddSOFile
    'Resets report
    'Run the new report
    rpt.Run False
    'Add the report to the veiwer
    Set arv.ReportSource = rpt
    'Disable menu items in preview mode
    mFile.Enabled = False
    mEdit.Enabled = False
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error Previewing the Report: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
    End Sub
    Private Sub prepDesigner()
    On Error GoTo errHndl
    If Not arv.ReportSource Is Nothing Then
    Set arv.ReportSource = Nothing
    End If
    'Load the saved RPX file into a report object
    rpt.Load App.Path & "\sample report.rpx"
    'Load the report object into the designer
    ard.LoadFromObject rpt
    'Enable the menu items in design mode
    mFile.Enabled = True
    mEdit.Enabled = True
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error in Design Preview: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
    End Sub

  11. Add the following code to the project to handle each of the above events:

    Private Sub ard_LayoutChanged(ByVal changedObject As Object, ByVal changeType As DDActiveReportsDesignerCtl.ayoutChangeTypes)
    Dim cnv As DDActiveReports2.Canvas
    Dim w As Long, h As Long
    Dim sLCaption As String
    'The following code checks to see if a lable has been added
    'If a label is added, it will prompt the user for a caption
    'And set the lable's width and height to fit the caption
    'Check if a label as been added
    If TypeOf changedObject Is DDActiveReports2.Label And changeType = ddLCControlAdd Then
    'Get a caption for the label
    sLCaption = InputBox("Enter a Caption for the Label", "Enter Caption")
    'If no caption is given, use the added object's name
    If sLCaption = "" Then sLCaption = changedObject.Name
    'Set the added label's caption to the given caption
    changedObject.Caption = sLCaption
    'Use the canvas object to get a width and height for the caption
    Set cnv = New DDActiveReports2.Canvas
    'makes sure the canvas is measures with the same font size
    cnv.Font = changedObject.Font
    cnv.MeasureText sLCaption, w, h
    'Change the added controls width and height
    changedObject.Width = w
    changedObject.Height = h
    'unload the canvas
    Set cnv = Nothing
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ard_SelChange()
    Dim sControl As String
    'Following code displays the selected label or field's name,
    'Top, left, height and width
    If ard.SelectedObjects.Count = 1 Then
    If TypeOf ard.SelectedObjects(X) Is DDActiveReports2.Field Or _
    TypeOf ard.SelectedObjects(X) Is DDActiveReports2.Label Then
    sControl = ard.SelectedObjects(X).Name
    sControl = sControl & " Top:" & ard.SelectedObjects(X).Top
    sControl = sControl & " Left:" & ard.SelectedObjects(X).Left
    sControl = sControl & " " & ard.SelectedObjects(X).Height & _
    " twips X " 
    sControl = sControl & ard.SelectedObjects(X).Width & " twips"
    End If
    sControl = ""
    End If
    sb.Panels(2).Text = sControl
    End Sub
    Private Sub ard_StatusChange(ByVal action As DDActiveReportsDesignerCtl.DesignerActionTypes)
    Select Case action
    Case ddActionFoFontName
    'Enable/Disable the font menu option
    mFont.Enabled = ard.QueryStatus(ddActionFoFontName)
    End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub ard_ValidateChange(ByVal changedObject As Object, ByVal changeType As DDActiveReportsDesignerCtl.LayoutChangeTypes, Cancel As Boolean)
    'The following code prevents the end user from deleting the
    'Data control
    If TypeName(changedObject) = "DataControl" Then
    If changeType = ddLCControlDelete Then
    MsgBox "You are not allowed to delete the report's data control", _
    vbCritical, "Cannot Remove Control"
    Cancel = True
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

  12. Save and run the project.