
Sets/returns UI type for property.


object.Type [= value]

The Type property syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
object A valid PropNode object
value A ddPLNodeType setting.


The settings for value are:

Setting Description
ddPLString 0 -A string property.
ddPLLabel 1 - A static label.
ddPLEnum 2 - An enumerated property editor.
ddPLBoolean 3 - A Boolean property editor.
ddPLColor 4 - A color property editor.
ddPLStringCombo 5 - A string editor with a combobox.
ddPLPicture 6 - A picture property editor.
ddPLFont 7 - A font property editor.
ddPLButton 16 - Adds a custom button to the property editor, can be combined with any of the other types.

Data Type
