Error (PropList)

Fires when an internal error occurs in the property list control.


object_Error((Number As Integer, Description As ReturnString, Scode As Long,
Source As String, HelpFile As String, HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As ReturnBool))

The Error event syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type PropList.
Number Integer - Error number.
Description ReturnString - Brief description of the error.
Scode Long - Result code.
Source String - Error source.
HelpFile String - Help file.
HelpContext Long - Help context id.
CancelDisplay ReturnBool - Boolean variable, used to suspend the built-in error message box.


' Handle PropertyList errors
Private Sub PropertyList1_Error(Number As Integer, Description As ReturnString,
SCode As Long, Source As String, HelpFile As String, HelpContext As Long,
CancelDisplay As Boolean)
'Display the error number and description to a form's status bar instead
'of an error message box
statusbar1.Panels(1).Text = "Error: " & Str(Number) & " - " & Description
CancelDisplay = True
End Sub