
Name Type Description
AllowColumnResize Property Specifies whether the user is allowed to resize the property list columns.
Backcolor Property Specifies the background color of the property list control.
BorderStyle Property Specifies the border style of the control.
Categorized Property Sets/returns if property list nodes are categorized or alphabetical.
Enabled Property Determines whether the property list control is enabled or disabled.
Font Property Specifies the font used to render text in the property list control.
ForeColor Property Specifies the foreground color of the property list.
hWnd Property Returns the property list window handle.
Properties Property Returns property nodes collection.
ShowDescription Property Sets/returns if property description pane is visible.
ShowObjectCombobox Property Sets/returns if object combobox is visible.
ShowReadOnlyProp Property Sets/returns weather readonly properties are shown.
ShowToolbar Property Sets/returns if toolbar is visible.
Sorted Property Determines whether the properties are sorted alphabetically in the list.
AddObject Method Adds an object reference to the property listbox and updates the combobox list.
Clear Method Removes all nodes from the property list.
Refresh Method Updates the propertylistbox with new values.
SelectObjects Method Sets the current selection. object can be a single COM object or an array of COM objects.
ButtonClick Event Fires when a button on ddPLButton property is clicked.
Error Event Fires when an internal error occurs in the property list control.
FetchData Event Fires when enum combobox dropdown is pressed.
FetchDataDescription Event Fires when combobox is updating its text or listbox.
ObjectChanged Event Fired when user selected a new object from the object combobox
PropertyChanged Event Fires when property value has been changed
PropertyValidate Event Fired before a value is stored in the property node when user makes a change to the value