
Bit flags for each toolbar to determine whether a toolbars is accessible by the end user. One additional flag for the context menus or a property to enable or disable the context menus.


object.ToolbarsAccessible [= value]

The ToolbarsAccessible property syntax has the following parts

Part Description
object A valid ARDesigner object
value A ToolbarIdentifiers setting.


The settings for value are:

Setting Description
ddTBMenu 1 - Main menu toolbar.
ddTBToolBox 2 - Controls toolbox.
ddTBStandard 4 - Standard toolbar.
ddTBAlignment 8 - Alignment toolbar.
ddTBFormat 16 - Format toolbar.
ddTBExplorer 32 - Report explorer toolbar.
ddTBFields 64 - Fields list toolbar.
ddTBPropertyToolbox 128 - Property toolbox.

Data Type



Private Sub Form_Load()
'Disable and hide the built-in toolbars
ARDesigner1.ToolbarsAccessible = 0
ARDesigner1.ToolbarsVisible = 0
End Sub


The customization option for the toolbars is available only when all toolbars are accessible. If any of the toolbars is not accessible the built-in customization will be disabled.