
This event fires for each change in the status of the designer actions. Designer actions represent the commands that are typically invoked from UI elements such as a toolbar or a menu. You can use the QueryStatus method to check the status of the changed action and update your custom UI elements.


object_StatusChange(action As DesignerActionTypes)

The StatusChange event syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
action DesignerActionTypes - Specifies the action that caused the change as one of the actions listed below.


The settings for action are:

Setting Description
ddActionFOpen 1 - File: Open.
ddActionFSave 2 - File: Save.
ddActionFPageSetup 3 - File: Page Setup.
ddActionECut 4 - Edit: Cut.
ddActionEPaste 5 - Edit: Paste.
ddActionECopy 6 - Edit: Copy.
ddActionEUndo 7 - Edit: Undo.
ddActionEDelete 8 - Edit: Delete.
ddActionEDeleteSection 9 - Edit: Delete Section.
ddActionEInsertReportHF 10 - Edit: Insert Report Header/Footer.
ddActionEInsertPageHF 11 - Edit: Insert Page Header/Footer.
ddActionEInsertGroupHF 12 - Edit: Insert Group Header/Footer.
ddActionEReorderGroups 13 - Edit: Reorder Groups.
ddActionEInsertField 14 - Edit: Insert Field.
ddActionViewExplorer 15 - View: Report Explorer.
ddActionViewFieldsList 16 - View: Fields List.
ddActionViewPropertyList 17 - View: Property Listbox.
ddActionViewGrid 18 - View: Grid.
ddActionViewSnapToGrid 19 - View: Snap to grid.
ddActionViewFullScreen 20 - View: Full screen.
ddActionViewCodeEditor 21 - View: Script Code Editor.
ddActionFoAlignLefts 22 - Format: Align Control Lefts.
ddActionFoAlignRights 23 - Format: Align Control Rights.
ddActionFoAlignCenters 24 - Format: Align Control Centers.
ddActionFoAlignTops 25 - Format: Align Control Tops.
ddActionFoAlignMiddles 26 - Format: Align Control Middles.
ddActionFoAlignBottoms 27 - Format: Align Control Bottoms.
ddActionFoAlignToGrid 28 - Format: Align to Controls Grid.
ddActionFoAlignCenterInSec 29 - Format: Align : Center Control in Section.
ddActionFoSizeSameWidth 30 - Format: Size controls to the same width.
ddActionFoSizeSameHeight 31 - Format: Size controls to the same height.
ddActionFoSizeSameBoth 32 - Format: Size controls to the same width and height.
ddActionFoVSpaceEqual 33 - Format: Space controls even vertically.
ddActionFoVSpaceIncrease 34 - Format: Increase vertical spacing.
ddActionFoVSpaceDecrease 35 - Format: Decrease vertical spacing.
ddActionFoHSpaceEqual 36 - Format: Space controls even horizontally.
ddActionFoHSpaceIncrease 37 - Format: Increase horizontal spacing.
ddActionFoHSpaceDecrease 38 - Format: Decrease horizontal spacing.
ddActionFoOrderBringToFront 39 - Format: Bring control to the foreground.
ddActionFoOrderSendToBack 40 - Format: Send control to the background.
ddActionFoLockControls 41 - Format: Lock controls size and position.
ddActionFoStyle 42 - Format: Style.
ddActionFoFontName 43 - Format: Font name.
ddActionFoFontSize 44 - Format: Font size.
ddActionFoFontBold 45 - Format: bold.
ddActionFoFontItalic 46 - Format: Italic.
ddActionFoTextAlignLeft 47 - Format: Align text left.
ddActionFoTextAlignCenter 48 - Format: Align text center.
ddActionFoTextAlignRight 49 - Format: Align text Right.
ddActionFoForeColor 50 - Format: Set foreground color.
ddActionFoBackColor 51 - Format: Set background color.
ddActionFoLineStyle 52 - Format: Set line style.
ddActionFoLineColor 53 - Format: Set line color.
ddActionFoBorder 54 - Format: Set border styles.
ddActionFoBullets 55 - Format: Set bullet style.
ddActionFoIndent 56 - Format: Indent text.
ddActionFoOutdent 57 - Format: Outdent text.
ddActionFoUnderline 58 - Format: Underline


'Update edit menu items on status change.
Private Sub ARDesigner1_StatusChange(ByVal action As DDActiveReportsDesignerCtl.DesignerActionTypes)
Select Case action
Case ddActionECopy
miECopy.Enabled = ((ARDesigner1.QueryStatus(ddActionECopy) And _
ddStatEnabled) = ddStatEnabled)
miECopy.Checked = ((ARDesigner1.QueryStatus(ddActionECopy) And _
ddStatChecked) = ddStatChecked)
End Select
End Sub