
Executes a specified designer command. You can use this method when implementing a custom toolbar or menu, this method will perform the report actions in response to the toolbar or menu items.


object.ExecuteAction(action As DesignerActionTypes)

The ExecuteAction method syntax has the following parts:

Part Description
object An expression evaluating to an object of type ARDesigner.
action DesignerActionTypes - A valid action setting.


The settings for action are:

Setting Description
ddActionFOpen 1 - File: Open.
ddActionFSave 2 - File: Save.
ddActionFPageSetup 3 - File: Page Setup.
ddActionECut 4 - Edit: Cut.
ddActionEPaste 5 - Edit: Paste.
ddActionECopy 6 - Edit: Copy.
ddActionEUndo 7 - Edit: Undo.
ddActionEDelete 8 - Edit: Delete.
ddActionEDeleteSection 9 - Edit: Delete Section.
ddActionEInsertReportHF 10 - Edit: Insert Report Header/Footer.
ddActionEInsertPageHF 11 - Edit: Insert Page Header/Footer.
ddActionEInsertGroupHF 12 - Edit: Insert Group Header/Footer.
ddActionEReorderGroups 13 - Edit: Reorder Groups.
ddActionEInsertField 14 - Edit: Insert Field.
ddActionViewExplorer 15 - View: Report Explorer.
ddActionViewFieldsList 16 - View: Fields List.
ddActionViewPropertyList 17 - View: Property Listbox.
ddActionViewGrid 18 - View: Grid.
ddActionViewSnapToGrid 19 - View: Snap to grid.
ddActionViewFullScreen 20 - View: Full screen.
ddActionViewCodeEditor 21 - View: Script Code Editor.
ddActionFoAlignLefts 22 - Format: Align Control Lefts.
ddActionFoAlignRights 23 - Format: Align Control Rights.

ddActionFoAlignCenters 24 - Format: Align Control Centers.
ddActionFoAlignTops 25 - Format: Align Control Tops.
ddActionFoAlignMiddles 26 - Format: Align Control Middles.
ddActionFoAlignBottoms 27 - Format: Align Control Bottoms.
ddActionFoAlignToGrid 28 - Format: Align to Controls Grid.
ddActionFoAlignCenterInSec 29 - Format: Align : Center Control in Section.
ddActionFoSizeSameWidth 30 - Format: Size controls to the same width.
ddActionFoSizeSameHeight 31 - Format: Size controls to the same height.
ddActionFoSizeSameBoth 32 - Format: Size controls to the same width and height.
ddActionFoVSpaceEqual 33 - Format: Space controls even vertically.
ddActionFoVSpaceIncrease 34 - Format: Increase vertical spacing.
ddActionFoVSpaceDecrease 35 - Format: Decrease vertical spacing.
ddActionFoHSpaceEqual 36 - Format: Space controls even horizontally.
ddActionFoHSpaceIncrease 37 - Format: Increase horizontal spacing.
ddActionFoHSpaceDecrease 38 - Format: Decrease horizontal spacing.
ddActionFoOrderBringToFront 39 - Format: Bring control to the foreground.
ddActionFoOrderSendToBack 40 - Format: Send control to the background.
ddActionFoLockControls 41 - Format: Lock controls size and position.
ddActionFoFontBold 45 - Format: bold.
ddActionFoFontItalic 46 - Format: Italic.
ddActionFoTextAlignLeft 47 - Format: Align text left.
ddActionFoTextAlignCenter 48 - Format: Align text center.
ddActionFoTextAlignRight 49 - Format: Align text Right.
ddActionFoBorder 54 - Format: Set border styles.
ddActionFoBullets 55 - Format: Set bullet style.
ddActionFoIndent 56 - Format: Indent text.
ddActionFoOutdent 57 - Format: Outdent text.
ddActionFoUnderline 58 - Format: Underline.


'Edit > Cut menu item
Private Sub miECut_Click()
  ARDesigner1.ExecuteAction ddActionECut
End Sub


Font and color actions are not supported in the ExecuteAction method. In order to set font and color properties you should directly access the selected object and set those properties.