
Name Type Description
GridSnap Property Determines whether the controls should be snapped to the grid points.
GridVisible Property Determines whether the drawing grid should be visible.
GridX Property Determines how coarse the designer grid should be.
GridY Property Determines how coarse the designer grid should be.
IsDirty Property Returns whether report has been modified since last layout was loaded or initialized.
Locked Property Specifies whether the controls are locked in place.
Report Property Returns a reference to the designer's report object.
RulerUnits Property Sets or returns ruler units (Inches, Centimeters).
SelectedObjects Property Returns collection of selected objects.
ToolbarsAccessible Property Bit flags for each toolbar to determine whether a toolbars is accessible by the end user.
ToolbarsVisible Property Bit flags for each toolbar to determine whether a toolbar is visible.
ToolboxItem Property Sets or returns PROGID of active toolbox item.
ExecuteAction Method Executes a specified designer command.

object.ExecuteAction(action As DesignerActionTypes)

LoadFromObject Method Reads the layout from a report object into designer control.

object.LoadFromObject(Report As IActiveReport)

NewLayout Method Discards the current report layout and creates a new blank layout.


QueryStatus Method Queries the designer for the status of one or more commands.

object.QueryStatus(action As DesignerActionTypes)

SaveToObject Method Write the layout from the designer to a report object.

object.SaveToObject(Report As IActiveReport)

Alert Event Fires when an alert requesting user intervention is about to be displayed.
ContextMenuOpen Event Fires before a context menu is opened.
Error Event Fires when an error occurs in the designer component.
LayoutChanged Event Fires when the report layout is changed.
SelChange Event Fires when selection changes.
StatusChange Event Fires for each change in the status of the designer actions.
ValidateChange Event Fires before an item is moved, sized or deleted.