ActiveReports 12 Server Designer User Guide

The new template feature has been introduced in the ActiveReports 12 Server Designer in order to allow users to create reports based on the existing templates that are uploaded by the administrator.

A user can create a report by clicking the Create Report button on the Report portal. Upon clicking, this button will navigate the user to the Active Reports Web Designer - a separate window where they are asked to select a report type and choose a template amongst a set of available templates. These tenmplates are displayed in the form of thumbnails along with their names and are described in the table shown below:

Template Name Description
BlankReport_page.rdlx This is a blank page report.
BlankReport_rdl.rdlx This is a blank RDL report.
Invoice_page.rdlx This is an invoice template.
Deliveryslip_page.rdlx This is an invoice template. Change the background color of the detail lines with isolation.
Paymentslip_page.rdlx This is a template of payment handling form. We output the convenience bar code used in the toll storage service.
Label_page.rdlx This is a template of tack sticker used for addressing envelopes and tags.
SimpleChart_page.rdlx This is a template of the sales trend table using a simple graph.
CompositeChart_page.rdlx This is a template fo the sales transition table using a composite graph. Different graph types ae set for each series.
SalesSlip_page.rdlx This is a template for sales slips. If the data doesn't fit on the first page, a different layout is output on the second page.
Paystub_page.rdlx This is a template of salary details. Output round schedule schedule.
ReportOfExemptionForDependents_page.rdlx This is a template of the dependence deduction declaration. Since you're using a layer, you can print only data when printing.
SalesSpecification_page.rdlx This is a template of sales statement. Total is done by voucher, day, month.
Estimate_page.rdlx This is a template of the estimate.
ChainStoreUniformSlip_page.rdlx This is a template of chain store unified vouchers. Since you're using a later, you can print only data when printing.
ManufacturingInstruction_page.rdlx This is a template of production instructions for manufacturing industry.
MatrixSample_RDL.rdlx This is a template of the crosstabulation table. It is possible to drill down by clicking the [+] rank.
Salesdashboard_rdl.rdlx This is a dashboard template. Visualize data using multiple graphs and tables.