ActiveReports 11 Server Designer User Guide
Create a Semantic Report with Table
ActiveReports 11 Server Designer User Guide > How To > Create a Semantic Report with Table

A report with table is the simplest report that you can create with ActiveReports Server.


  1. On the ActiveReports Server Report Portal, click Create report.
  2. Select Semantic report and click OK.
  3. In the data model list that appears, click ActiveTunes (Sample) to create a report based on the sample data.
  4. From the Entity Tree to the left of the report design surface, drag the Invoice entity and drop it onto the report.
    Note: Drop the entity into the body of the report. If you try to drop the entity into the header area or the margins, a red X icon appears and the action is ignored.
  5. In the Select a Table box that appears, click Table. A table is created with three columns and header labels.
  6. If they are not already in view, click the table to reveal the adorners.
  7. To adjust the position of the table within the page, click the thumb at the top left corner and drag the table.
  8. To align header labels with data, click the detail row under the Invoice Date label, and in the Design tab Text & Color section, click the Text Align Left button.
  9. Click the header row Total label, and then in the toolbar, click the Text Align Right button.
  10. To add a title to the report, above the toolbar, select the Report tab, then click the Textbox control and drag it into the header section of the report.
  11. After resizing and positioning it, click inside the textbox and type Invoice List.
  12. To format the text in the textbox, select the Design tab and use the tools in the Font and Text & Color sections.
  13. Click Preview to view the completed report.
See Also
