ActiveReports 9 Server
Using LDAP and Active Directory for Single Sign-On
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You can use your existing LDAP or Active Directory® with ActiveReports 9 Server so that your users can log in with their existing user names and passwords, and so that you can use existing groups to provide access to specific data.

Note: ActiveReports 9 Server supports OpenLDAP v2.3 or later. Earlier versions are not supported because they do not have a MemberOf attribute.

To map your user directory to ActiveReports 9 Server, you specify LDAP (Active Directory) as your custom security provider, and set properties to give ActiveReports 9 Server access to it. These properties are described in the table below.

Security provider properties table

To configure ActiveReports 9 Server to use your LDAP or Active Directory

To test your custom security provider

When you create a security filter, you can re-use it for other entities that contain the attribute on which the filter expression is based.

To create a new security filter for row-level security 

To use UserContext attributes from LDAP or ActiveDirectory in a connection string

See Also



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