ActiveReports 9
Add Code to Layouts Using Script
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In a section report, you can use script to access controls, functions in a class, namespaces, etc. You can also create classes inside the script to call methods or add code to a report's script from a Windows Form. The following sections illustrate simple scripting scenarios with examples.

These steps assume that you have already added a Section Report (code based) template in a Visual Studio project. See Adding an ActiveReport to a Project for more information.

To access controls in script

To give a script access to functions in a class in your project

To access namespaces

To add code to a report's script from a Windows Form

To create classes inside the script to call methods

Note: Use the examples with the "this" (C#) and "Me"(Visual Basic.NET) keywords, as they are recommended rather than the ones with "rpt".
See Also




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