ActiveReports 9
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel namespace includes classes that can be used in page reports.
ClassAction The Action element defines a hyperlink, bookmark link, or drillthrough action associated with a ReportItem
ClassActionInfo Represents the action information.
ClassAxis The Axis element defines properties for labels, titles and gridlines along an axis.
ClassBackgroundImage Defines a background image for the report.
ClassBody Represents the body element for a report. This is the parent container for all report items in the report.
ClassBorder Represents the border properties.
ClassBorderColor Defines the color for the border.
ClassBorderStyle Defines the style for the border.
ClassBorderWidth Defines the width of the border.
ClassCategoryGrouping The CategoryGrouping element defines the category level for a Chart. The labels for the categories are displayed along the category axis.
ClassCategoryGroupingCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for CategoryGrouping objects.
ClassChart The Chart element defines a chart data region. The Chart is defined much like a Matrix, but instead of Columns, Rows, and Cells, the Chart has Categories, Series, and DataPoints.
ClassChartSeries The ChartSeries element defines the set of data points for one series.
ClassChartSeriesCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for ChartSeries objects.
ClassCheckBox The CheckBox element defines a CheckBox control.
ClassCodeClass Represents information about a class instantiated during the report's initialization. The instantiated class can be used in expressions.
ClassCodeClassCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for CodeClassCollection objects.
ClassColumnGrouping The ColumnGrouping element defines a column header region for a matrix.
ClassColumnGroupingCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for ColumnGroupingCollection objects. 
ClassConnectionProperties Specifies the information used to connect to a data source.
ClassContainer Specifies a rectangle ReportItem contained in the report definition.
ClassCorner The Corner element defines the layout and structure of the upper left-hand corner region of a matrix.
ClassCustom The Custom element allows report design tools to pass information to report output components. This element may contain any valid XML. The engine passes the contents of the Custom object unchanged. Client applications using the Custom element place custom properties under their own single subelement of Custom, defining a namespace for that node.
ClassCustomData Defines the data to be handed to an ICustomReportItem interface.
ClassCustomPropertyDefinition Represents a CustomProperty element from RDL. When processing the ReportObjectModel, if the ExpressionInfo object contains any aggregate functions that do not specify the scope, the scope is updated with the current scope.
ClassCustomPropertyDefinitionCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for CustomPropertyDefinition objects.
ClassCustomReportItem Represents an IReportItem not defined within the RDL specification. The custom report item's information is stored inside the CustomReportItem element under a namespace for the tool or server supporting the type. If the custom report item is not recognized it is treated as an IRectangle.
ClassDataCellCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for DataCell objects.
ClassDataGrouping Describes how to group and sort data.
ClassDataGroupingCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for DataGrouping objects.
ClassDataLabel The DataLabel element defines the data labels to display on the data values in the chart.
ClassDataPoint The DataPoint element defines a set of data for a single point in the chart. There must be a corresponding DataPoint for each static category in a static series. A DataPoint may consist of a single value expression (for example in a bar or line chart) or multiple value expressions (for example in a stock or bubble chart).
ClassDataPointCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for DataPoint objects.
ClassDataRegion Specifies a region where a dataset is laid out for a report. A data region bound to a dataset's results may repeat its contents to account for the dataset's size. The List, Matrix, Table and Chart report items are all data regions.
ClassDataRowCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for DataRow objects.
ClassDataSet Represents a DataSet element for a report which contains information about a set of data retrieved as part of the report.
ClassDataSetCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for IDataSet interfaces.
ClassDataSetReference The query to execute to obtain a list of values or default values for a parameter.
ClassDataSource Specifies information about a report data source.
ClassDataSourceCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for DataSource objects.
ClassDataSourcePrompt Represents request for credentials to connect to a datasource.
ClassDataValue The DataValue element defines a collection of data values for a single data point in the chart, or custom report control.
ClassDataValueCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for DataValue objects.
ClassDefaultValue The default value for the parameter.
ClassDetails Defines the detail rows for a table.
ClassDocumentMap Specifies document map settings.
ClassDocumentMapLevel Represents document map level properties.
ClassDrillthrough Specifies an element that defines a drillthrough action.
ClassDynamicCategoriesSeries Defines a Series level that repeats with each Series group in the rowset of the chart.
ClassDynamicColumnsRows Defines a column or row header region that repeats with each column or row group in the rowset of a Matrix.
ClassEmbeddedImage Specifies information about an image embedded in the report definition.
ClassEmbeddedImageCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for EmbeddedImage objects.
ClassField Defines a field element containing information about a field within the data model of the report.
ClassFieldCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for Field objects.
ClassFilter Defines a Filter element which describes a filter to apply to rows of data in a dataset or data region, or to apply to the group instances.
ClassFooter Defines the footer rows for a table or group.
ClassGridLines Defines the style properties for the major and minor gridlines along an axis in a chart.
ClassGrouping Specifies an element that defines the expressions by which to group the data.
ClassHeader Defines the header rows for a table or group.
ClassHeaderFooter Defines the header or footer rows for a table or group.
ClassImage Specifies an image ReportItem contained in the report definition.
ClassLayer Defines a report layer.
ClassLayerCollection Defines the collection of report layers.
ClassLegend The Legend element defines the properties that are used to display instances of the series groupings in a chart legend.
ClassLine Specifies a Line ReportItem contained in the report definition.
ClassList Specifies a region that repeats with each group in the rowset or each row in the rowset (if no group expression is defined).
ClassLocalizationResource Specifies a localization resource for the Report.
ClassMap Defines map-based data visualization.
ClassMapAppearanceRule Defines the appearance rule for spatial elements based on a data field
ClassMapBindingFieldPair Defines a field/expression pairs to be used to bind the map elements within a vector based layer to the data region associated with it
ClassMapBorderSkin Defines the appearance of the border skin around the map report item
ClassMapBucket Defines a bucket for custom data distribution
ClassMapColorPaletteRule Defines the color palette for spatial elements based on a data field
ClassMapColorRangeRule Defines the color ranges for spatial elements based on a data field
ClassMapColorRule Defines the color rule for spatial elements based on a data field.
ClassMapColorScale Defines the map color scale
ClassMapColorScaleTitle Defines the settings for the title to be displayed within the color scale
ClassMapCustomColorRule Defines a set of custom colors for spatial elements based on a data field
ClassMapCustomView Defines the center of the view port based on an arbitrary center point
ClassMapDataBoundView Defines the center/zoom of the view port based on the spatial map elements bound to data
ClassMapDataRegion Defines a data region for the map
ClassMapDistanceScale Defines the map distance scale
ClassMapDockableSubItem Defines the common properties for map dockable sub items
ClassMapElementView Defines the center/zoom of the view port based on map spatial element
ClassMapField Defines a field for map elements within a static layer
ClassMapFieldDefinition Defines a field definition for map elements within a static layer
ClassMapGridLines Defines the properties for map grid (meridians/parallels)
ClassMapLayer Defines a layer to be drawn within a map
ClassMapLegend Defines a legend to be drawn within a map
ClassMapLegendTitle Defines a title for a map legend
ClassMapLimits Defines the map limits
ClassMapLine Defines an element to be embedded within a MapLineLayer
ClassMapLineLayer Defines a vector-based layer of lines to be drawn within a map
ClassMapLineRules Defines a set of rules to be applied on lines
ClassMapLineTemplate Defines a template to be applied to lines within a line layer
ClassMapLocation Defines the properties for map sub items location
ClassMapMarker Defines a marker to be applied to points within a point or polygon layer.
ClassMapMarkerImage Image marker.
ClassMapMarkerRule Defines the points marker based on a data field
ClassMapMarkerTemplate Defines a marker template to be applied to points within a point or polygon layer
ClassMapMember Defines group and filter behavior for the data.
ClassMapPoint Defines an element to be embedded within a MapPointLayer
ClassMapPointLayer Defines a vector-based layer of points to be drawn within a map
ClassMapPointRules Defines a set of rules to be applied on points on a point or polygon layer
ClassMapPointTemplate Defines a template to be applied to points within a point or polygon layer
ClassMapPolygon Defines an element to be embedded within a MapPolygonLayer
ClassMapPolygonLayer Defines a vector-based layer of polygons to be drawn within a map.
ClassMapPolygonRules Defines a set of rules to be applied on polygons
ClassMapPolygonTemplate Defines a template to be applied to polygons within a polygon layer.
ClassMapShapefile Defines a file-based source for spatial data and possibly non-spatial data
ClassMapSize Defines the properties for map sub items size
ClassMapSizeRule Defines the size rule for point or line based on a data field
ClassMapSpatialData Defines the source of spatial data for a vector layer
ClassMapSpatialDataRegion Defines a data region-based source for spatial data
ClassMapSpatialDataSet Defines a dataset-based source for spatial and possibly non-spatial data.
ClassMapSpatialElement Defines a spatial element to be embedded within a static layer
ClassMapSpatialElementTemplate Defines the template to be applied on map spatial elements within a vector layer
ClassMapSubItem Defines the common properties for map sub items
ClassMapTile Defines a tile to be embedded in a MapTileLayer
ClassMapTileLayer Defines a raster-based layer to be drawn within a map
ClassMapTitle Defines a title to be drawn within a map
ClassMapVectorLayer Defines a vector-based layer of map elements to be drawn within a map
ClassMapView Defines the viewport center and zoom level
ClassMapViewport Defines the map viewport
ClassMarker The Marker element defines a marker for displayed chart values.
ClassMasterReportNotFoundException Raised when a master report cannot be found.
ClassMatrix The Matrix element defines a grid of regions that repeats with each column group and row group in the dataset.
ClassMatrixCell The MatrixCell element defines the contents of each detail cell in the matrix.
ClassMatrixCellCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for MatrixCell objects.
ClassMatrixColumn Defines a column in the detail section of a Matrix.
ClassMatrixColumnCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for MatrixColumn objects.
ClassMatrixRow Defines the set of cells in a row of the detail section of a Matrix.
ClassMatrixRowCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for MatrixRow objects.
ClassNameValidator Defines a NameValidator to check names contained in a report.
ClassOverflowPlaceHolder Represents the page report overflow place holder.
ClassPage Represents the Page report page.
ClassPageBreak Defines page breaking options.
ClassPageCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for Page object.
ClassPageCollectionEventArgs Provides data for the ItemAdded or ItemRemoved event of the PageCollection.
ClassPageHeaderFooter Specifies the layout definition for each ReportItem at the top of each page (PageHeader) or the bottom of each page (PageFooter).
ClassParameter The Parameter element contains information about a subreport parameter.
ClassParameterCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for Parameter objects.
ClassParameterValue A possible value for the parameter.
ClassParameterValueCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for ParameterValue objects
ClassPlotArea The PlotArea element defines properties for the plot area (for chart types with X and Y axes).
ClassProperty Summary description for Property.
ClassPropertyCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for Property objects.
ClassQuery Represents the Query element of a dataset which contains the description of the query to execute to retrieve the data for the report.

Defines a QueryParameter element which contains information about a parameter that is passed to the data source as part of the query.

ClassQueryParameterCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for QueryParameter objects.
ClassReferenceLine Defines the properties for the reference line in a chart.
ClassReport The Report element contains property, data, and layout information about the report which is the top-level element.
ClassReportComponent Defines a new ReportComponent.
ClassReportComponentCollection Defines a collection of IReportComponent objects.
ClassReportComponentContainer Defines a GrapeCity.ActiveReports.ReportObjectModel.ReportComponentContainer that containes other GrapeCity.ActiveReports.ReportObjectModel.ReportComponent objects.
ClassReportItem A report item is one of the following types of objects: Line, Rectangle, TextBox, Image, Subreport, CustomReportItem, or DataRegion. DataRegions include List, Table, Matrix, and Chart. The ReportItem element itself is not used. Instead, the specific report item element is used whenever ReportItem is allowed.
ClassReportItemCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for ReportItem objects.
ClassReportItemCollectionEventArgs Provides data for the ItemAdded or ItemRemoved event of the ReportItemCollection.
ClassReportParameter The ReportParameter element contains information about a parameter for the report.
ClassReportParameterCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for ReportParameter objects.
ClassRoundingRadius Defines the color for the border.
ClassRowGrouping Defines a row grouping for a matrix.
ClassRowGroupingCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for RowGrouping objects.
ClassSeriesGrouping The SeriesGrouping element defines a Series level for a chart SeriesGrouping. The labels for the series are displayed in the legend.
ClassSeriesGroupingCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for SeriesGrouping objects.
ClassShape Represents the shape on the report.
ClassSortBy Specifies an element that defines an expression by which to sort the groups.
ClassSortByCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for SortBy objects.
ClassStaticMember Defines the data label to display for a static series or static category member.
ClassStaticMemberCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for StaticMember objects.
ClassStaticRowColumn Defines a column or row header region with a fixed set of columns or rows.
ClassStaticRowColumnCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for StaticRowColumn objects.
ClassStyle The Style element contains information about the style of a report control. Where possible, the style property names and values match standard HTML/CSS properties. All expression-based Style elements evaluate to either the type listed or to Nothing (an error in evaluation is treated as Nothing). Nothing is equivalent to not specifying the style, thereby indicating that it uses the default value. The expression must evaluate to a Boolean value for Boolean properties, an enumerated value for enum properties, an integer for integer properties and a (formatted) string for all other properties.
ClassSubreport Specifies a Subreport ReportItem, which is a separate report contained in the report definition.
ClassSubtotal The Subtotals element defines a subtotal column or row to include in the Matrix.
ClassTable The Table element defines a tabular grouped layout of the data region.
ClassTableCell Defines the contents of a cell in a table data region.
ClassTableCellCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for TableCell objects.
ClassTableColumn Defines a column in the table.
ClassTableColumnCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for TableColumn objects.
ClassTableGroup Defines a group in a table data region.
ClassTableGroupCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for TableGroup objects.
ClassTableOfContents Defines the table of contents to presents the document map.
ClassTableOfContentsLevel Defines the level for TableOfContents.
ClassTableRow Defines a row of cells in a table data region.
ClassTableRowCollection Provides a strongly typed collection for TableRow objects.
ClassTextBox Specifies a textbox ReportItem contained in the report definition.
ClassTextItem Abstract base class for TextBox and CheckBox
ClassThreeDProperties The ThreeDProperties element defines properties for a 3D chart layout.
ClassTitle The Title element defines a title for the chart or for an axis.
ClassToggleImage Indicates the initial state of a toggle image if such an image is displayed as part of the Textbox.
ClassUserSort Defines an object for sort information to the end-user as part of the TextBox UI.
ClassValidationContext Defines the type of context information that is available during validation.
ClassValidationEntry Represents a single entry of information related to validation.
ClassValidator Defines an object for performing validation on a report definition.
ClassValidValues The possible values for the parameter. This is used to populate UI selection lists from which users can select a parameter value.
ClassValueCategoryAxis Used as a Category axis in a chart, the element defines the category (X) axis. There must be a corresponding DataPoint for each StaticCategories member. Used as a Value axis, the element defines the data (Y) axis.
ClassVariable Defines a variable.
ClassVisibility The Visibility element controls whether the ReportItem is initially shown in the output report.
InterfaceIBaseDataSet Represents the members common to all types of datasets.
InterfaceIDataSet Represents a data set element for a report which contains information about a set of data retrieved as a part of the report.
InterfaceIMasterContentService Defines an auxiliary interface for determining report and report item ownership
InterfaceIRdlContainer Specifies an area containing report items.
InterfaceIReportComponent Specifies a component for the report.
InterfaceIReportComponentContainer Represents a report object that can contain other GrapeCity.ActiveReports.ReportObjectModel.IReportComponent objects.
StructureMasterContentCode Defines a struct for containing the master and child report code separately.
DelegatePageCollectionEventHandler Represents the method that handles the ItemAdded or ItemRemoved event.
DelegateReportItemCollectionEventHandler Represents the method that handles the ItemAdded or ItemRemoved event.
EnumerationAccentSensitivity Specifies whether the data is accent sensitive.
EnumerationAntiAliasing The possible values for the GaugePanel.AntiAliasing and Map.AntiAliasing properties.
EnumerationBackgroundHatchTypes The enum for Style.BackgroundHatchType element.
EnumerationBorder.BorderStyles Defines the enumeration of border style values.
EnumerationBorderDrawingStyle Specifies the style of the border on a report item.
EnumerationBorderDrawingStyle2008 Specifies the style of the border on a report item.
EnumerationBreakLocation Specifies break location.
EnumerationCaseSensitivity Specifies whether the data is case sensitive.
EnumerationChartPalette Specifies the color palette for chart items.
EnumerationChartSeriesPlotType Specifies whether the series is plotted as a line on a column chart.
EnumerationChartSubtype Specifies the subtype of the chart. Different subtypes are available for each chart type.
EnumerationChartType Specifies the type of the chart.
EnumerationCollateBy Controls the combination of reports during output when using a theme.
EnumerationDataElementOutput Defines how an item should appear in data output.
EnumerationDataElementStyle Indicates whether an item should render as an element or attribute.
EnumerationDocumentMapSource Defines an enumeration of document map sources.
EnumerationFilterOperator Specifies the operator to use to compare the values returned by the FilterExpression with those in the FilterValues object.
EnumerationItemOwners Specifies the report component owner when master report is defined for child report
EnumerationKanatypeSensitivity Specifies whether the data is Kanatype sensitive. (Used with the Japanese language to distinguish between hiragana and katakana.)
EnumerationKeepWithGroup Defines KeepWithGroup property values.
EnumerationLegendLayout Specifies the arrangement of labels within the legend.
EnumerationLegendPosition Specifies the position of the legend.
EnumerationMapBorderSkin.BorderSkinType Border skin type for the map
EnumerationMapColorPalette Indicates the palette to be used for coloring the spatial elements.
EnumerationMapColorScale.MapLabelBehavior Indicates the positioning of the color scale labels.
EnumerationMapColorScale.MapLabelPlacement Indicates the labels placement along the color bar.
EnumerationMapCoordinateSystem The map coordinate system.
EnumerationMapDataType The data type of the field.
EnumerationMapDockableSubItem.MapPosition The position of the sub item.
EnumerationMapGridLines.LabelPositionType Defines the position for grid labels.
EnumerationMapLegendTitle.LegendTitleSeparator Indicates what type of separator to use for the legend title.
EnumerationMapLineTemplate.LineLabelPlacement Defines the label placement for the line.
EnumerationMapMarker.MarkerStyle Defines the point marker.
EnumerationMapMarkerImage.ImageResizeMode Indicates whether the content will resize to fit in the available space.
EnumerationMapPointTemplate.MapPointLabelPlacement Defines the label placement for the point.
EnumerationMapPolygonTemplate.PolygonLabelPlacement Indicates the label placement of the polygon
EnumerationMapPolygonTemplate.PolygonShowLabel Indicates if the label should be shown.
EnumerationMapProjection The map projection.
EnumerationMapRuleDistributionType Indicates the distribution type.
EnumerationMapTileLayer.MapTileStyle Indicates the tiles style.
EnumerationMapUnit Defines the unit for both width and height.
EnumerationMapVisibilityMode Indicates the layer visibility mode.
EnumerationMarkerType Specifies the type of marker to use with chart data.
EnumerationNameType Specifies the type of object the name belongs to.
EnumerationNumberingStyle Defines the numbering style enumeration.
Represents the list of paper orientation options.
EnumerationPosition Specifies the position of a data label.
EnumerationQueryCommandType Specifies the type of query contained in the CommandText.
EnumerationReportParameterDataType Specifies the data type for the parameter.
EnumerationReportParameterUsedInQuery Specifies whether the parameter is used in a query in the report. This evaluates to True if the parameter is referenced in any query value expression.
EnumerationSeverity Specifies the severity level of a ValidationEntry object.
EnumerationSortByDirection Specifies whether items are sorted in ascending or descending order.
EnumerationSubtotalPosition Specifies whether the subtotal rows or columns appear before or after the detail rows or columns.
EnumerationTargetDevices Defines enumeration of possible target devices for layer.
EnumerationTextAlign Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text
EnumerationTextAntiAliasingQuality Defines the enumeration of text anti-aliasing quality.
EnumerationThreeDPropertiesDrawingStyle Specifies the shape of the columns or bars in a three-dimensional chart. ThreeDPropertiesDrawingStyle only applies to bar and column charts.
EnumerationThreeDPropertiesProjectionMode Specifies the projection mode for the three-dimensional chart.
EnumerationThreeDPropertiesShading Specifies the shading style of the three-dimensional chart.
EnumerationTickMark Specifies the position of the tick marks on the axis.
EnumerationTitlePosition Specifies the position of the title. TitlePosition is not used for the chart title.
EnumerationValidationMode Indicates the current mode of the validation system. Different severities and validation entries may be used for different modes.
EnumerationWidthSensitivity Specifies whether the data is width sensitive.
See Also


GrapeCity.ActiveReports.v9 Assembly



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