ActiveReports 9
Projection Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see Projection members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyHorizontalRotationGets or sets the horizontal rotation from which the chart is viewed.  
Public PropertyPerspectiveRatioPctGets or sets the perspective ratio (0-100%) if the ProjectionType property is set to Perspective.  
Public PropertyProjectionDXGets or sets the world origin offset by the X axis. For use with orthogonal projection only.  
Public PropertyProjectionDYGets or sets the world origin offset by the Y axis. For use with orthogonal projection only.  
Public PropertyProjectionTypeGets or sets the type of projection.  
Public PropertyVerticalRotationGets or sets the vertical rotation from which the chart is viewed.  
See Also


Projection Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart Namespace



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