ActiveReports 9
Designer Buttons
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Designer buttons are located to the right of the designer tabs along the bottom of the designer, and are enabled when you are on the Designer tab. They allow you to control settings for the design surface.

Grid Settings

Dimension Lines

Hide Grid

Show Dots

Show Lines

Note: Only one option out of Hide Grid, Show Dots and Show Lines can be selected at one time.

Control Drag and Drop Settings

These settings allow you to specify how you want controls to behave when you drag and drop them on the design surface.

Tip: If you plan to export a report to Excel format, use Snap Lines or Snap to Grid to ensure that your controls are aligned in columns and rows as it prevents overlapping. This makes the export to excel closer to how a report looks at run or design time.

Snap Lines

Snap to Grid

Mouse Modes

These settings allow you to specify how you want the mouse to behave in the designer.

Select Mode

Pan Mode

See Also



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