The drill-down feature helps in temporarily hiding a part of your report. That hidden part can be controls, groups, columns or rows. When you open a drill-down report, part of the data is hidden so that you can only see high-level data until you request for more detail. In such reports you find an expand icon (plus-sign image) next to the toggle item in the report. Clicking the toggle image, or plus sign, expands hidden content into view and the expand icon changes to a collapse icon (minus-sign). When you click the minus-sign image, it hides the content and returns the report to its previous state.
To create a drill-down report, use the Visibility properties of controls, groups, columns, or rows. Simply set the Visibility - Hidden property to True and set the toggle item to the name of another item in the report, usually a text box in the group or a text box as column label containing the hidden item. At run time, this puts a plus sign next to the toggle item which the user can click to display the hidden data.
This tutorial guides you through the steps to create a drill down report in ActiveReports Web Designer.
After you complete this tutorial, you will have a report that looks similar to the following.
Consider that you do not want the price details of each media in the first view, but want to drill down to individual prices later. For this, you can toggle the MediaType column group from another text box inside the Tablix data region as follows.
The reports created in the ActiveReports Web Designer are saved in the ActiveReports Server Report Portal under 'No Category'.