To use SSL and HTTPS on the ActiveReports Server Web site, you need to make some configuration changes.
Note: If you want to use the HTTPS communication protocol, you need to specify the URL as "https://server:443/mobile/" or "https://server:443/m/".
To use the HTTPS protocol, you must create an SSL certificate. For help with this, see Microsoft's article How to: Configure an IIS-hosted WCF service with SSL.
Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <service> and </service> tags |
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<endpoint address="https://servername:443/ReportService.svc/json" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="ActiveReports.Server.ReportServices.Servicing.IReportService" bindingConfiguration="ReportServiceJsonBindingSecured" behaviorConfiguration="JsonBehavior" /> |
from <serviceMetadata> tag and add the following code.
Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <serviceMetadata> and </serviceMetadata> tags |
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Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <webHttpBinding> and </webHttpBinding> tags |
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<binding name="ReportServiceJsonBindingSecured" maxReceivedMessageSize="0x3000000"> <readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="0x3000000" /> <security mode="Transport" /> </binding> |
<security mode="None /">
to <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential" />
.Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <service> and </service> tags |
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<endpoint address="https://servername:443/ReportService.svc/json" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="ActiveReports.Server.ReportServices.Servicing.IReportService" bindingConfiguration="ReportServiceJsonBindingSecured" behaviorConfiguration="JsonBehavior" /> |
Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the <serviceMetadata> and </serviceMetadata> tags |
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Paste in the web.config file BETWEEN the and </webHttpBinding> tags |
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<binding name="ReportServiceJsonBindingSecured" maxReceivedMessageSize="0x3000000"> <readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="0x3000000" /> <security mode="Transport" /> </binding> |
Once you set up the certificate and start using https:// to access the Web site on which ActiveReports 11 Server is installed, it begins working in secure mode.
For more help with this, see Microsoft's article on Configuring SSL on a Web Server or Web Site (IIS 6.0) or How to Set Up SSL on IIS 7.