ActiveReports 11
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Samples > Section Report > Layout > Charting

The Charting sample provides an option to choose from various chart types and a button to display the selected chart in a Viewer control.

Sample Location

Visual Basic.NET

<User Folder>\Documents\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 11\Section Reports\Layout\Charting\VB.NET


<User Folder>\Documents\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 11\Section Reports\Layout\Charting\C#

Run-Time Features

Chart type combobox
Select from the following ChartType options.

Report Display button
Click this button to display the selected chart type in a Viewer control.

Note: To run rpt2DBar, rpt3DPie and rpt3DBar report, you must have access to the Nwind.mdb database. A copy is located at [User Documents folder]\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 11\Data\NWIND.mdb. If you are unable to access the data files in the sample, create the Data folder and place all the data files to this folder, or change the reference path to the data files within the folder according to your environment.

Project Details

The ViewerForm contains the Viewer control, with the Dock property set to Fill. This enables the viewer to automatically resize along with the form. Right-click the form and select View Code to see the code used to run the report and display it in the viewer.

rpt2DBar report
Displays bar chart on a report. Retrieves the data to be displayed in a chart from Orders table in Nwind.mbd database. Settings for chart data source can be done using the Chart DataSource dialog.

rpt3DBar report
Displays 3D bar chart on a report. Retrieves the data to be displayed in a chart from Orders table in Nwind.mbd database. Generates a DataSet for the chart in ReportStart event and sets it in DataSource property of Chart control.

rpt3DPie report
Displays 3D pie chart on a report. Retrieves the data to be displayed in a chart from each of the Employees, Categories, Products, Orders, Order Details tables in Nwind.mdb database. Generates a DataTable for the chart in a ReportStart event and sets it in DataSource property of Chart control. Rotational direction of 3D pie chart can be set to Clockwise or Counterclockwise

rptCandle report
Displays candle chart on a report. Chart data is set at design time using DataPoint Collection Editor. DataSource property is not used for this chart.

rptStackedArea report
Displays stacked area chart on a report. Chart data is set at design time using DataPoint Collection Editor. DataSource property is not used for this chart.

See Also
