ActiveReports 11
Report Settings Dialog
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Concepts > Section Report Concepts > Report Settings Dialog

With ActiveReports, you can modify facets of your report, such as the page setup, printer settings, styles, and global settings at design time, as well as at run time. To make changes at design time, access the Report Settings dialog through any of the following:

The Report Settings dialog provides the following pages where you can set or modify various settings of your report.

Page Setup

On the Page Setup page, you can make changes to the report margins (left, right, top, and bottom), specify a gutter, and select the Mirror margins option. This page also shows a preview of how each setting appears on the report page.

By setting a gutter and selecting Mirror margins, you can easily set up reports for publishing.

Printer Settings

On the Printer Settings page, you can make changes to the printer paper size and orientation.

Important: For items set to Printer Default, default printer settings are used from the printer installed on the environment where the report is being created. The paper size might also change based on the run time environment so in case the paper size of your report is fixed, please specify it beforehand.


On the Styles page, you can change the appearance of text associated with controls, either by creating a new style sheet, or by modifying and applying an existing style.

Global Settings

On the Global Settings page, you can change the design layout of your report.

See Also