ActiveReports 11
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Concepts > Section Report Concepts > Section Report Toolbox > OleObject

The OleObject control is hidden from the toolbox by default, and is only retained for backward compatibility. You can enable the OleObject control in the Visual Studio toolbox only.

To enable the control in the Visual Studio toolbox, you must change the EnableOleObject property to true. This property can be found here: C:\Program Files\GrapeCity\ActiveReports 11\Grapecity.ActiveReports.config

Once enabled, you can add the OleObject control to reports. When you drop the control onto your report, the Insert Object dialog appears. This dialog allows you to create a new object or select one from an existing file.

Note: When you deploy reports that use the OleObject, you must also deploy the GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Interop.v11.dll, or for 64-bit machines, the GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Interop64.v11.dll.
Caution: The WPF Viewer does not support the OLE object. If you preview a report containing the OLE object in the WPF Viewer, the OLE object will not be displayed.

Important Properties

Property Description
PictureAlignment Gets or sets the position of the object's content within the control area.
Class Specifies the class name of the Ole object.
SizeMode Gets or sets a value that determines how the object is sized to fit the OleObject control area.

Insert Object Dialog

The Insert Object dialog provides the following two options: