ActiveReports 11
ds Variable
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Upgrading Reports > Migrating from Previous Versions > ds Variable

Migration Requirements

In ActiveReports 2 or below, when you create a data connection using the Report Data Source dialog, a public variable 'ds' is generated automatically by the report designer. This variable is not generated in ActiveReports 3 or above. If you use this variable in your code for making data connection settings of subreport, you need to change the code as follows.

To migrate code with public variable 'ds'

Before migration

Me.ds.ConnectionString 'Visual Basic

this.ds.ConnectionString; //C#

After migration

CType(Me.DataSource, GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Data.OleDBDataSource).ConnectionString 'Visual Basic

((GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Data.OleDBDataSource)(this.DataSource)).ConnectionString; //C#