Name | Description | |
Angle | Gets the text output angle. | |
BackgroundColor | Specifies color of the background | |
BackgroundGradientEndColor | Specifies the secondary color for gradient fill. | |
BackgroundGradientType | Specifies the gradient type of the background. | |
BackgroundImage | Returns a stream with background image for this report item | |
BackgroundImageMimeType | Identifies the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type of the background image. | |
BackgroundImageSource | Specifies the default width of the border of the item. | |
BackgroundImageValue | Specifies a background image value for this report item | |
BackgroundRepeat | Specifies the repeat style of the background. | |
BottomBorderColor | Describes the color of the bottom border of the item. | |
BottomBorderStyle | Specifies the style of the bottom border of the item. | |
BottomBorderWidth |
Specifies the width of the bottom border of the item.
| |
Calendar | Specifies calendar to use to format dates. | |
CharacterSpacing | Char spacing | |
Color | Specifies the foreground color of the item. | |
DefaultBorderColor | Specifies a default color of the border. | |
DefaultBorderStyle | Specifies the default style of the border of the item. | |
DefaultBorderWidth | Specifies the default width of the border of the item. | |
Direction | Specifies the direction of text. | |
DisplayPageNumber | Gets a value indicating whether to display page number. | |
FontFamily | Contains the name of the font for the item | |
FontSize | Indicates the size of the font for the item. | |
FontStyle | Indicates the style of the font for the item. | |
FontWeight | Indicates the thickness of the font for the item. | |
Format | Contains the Microsoft® .NET Framework formatting string for the item. | |
HeadingLevel | Gets the heading level. | |
LabelExpression | Gets the label expression. | |
Language | Indicates the primary language of the text. | |
LeadingChar | Gets the leading character. | |
LeftBorderColor | Specifies the default width of the border of the item. | |
LeftBorderStyle | Describes the style of the left border of the item. | |
LeftBorderWidth | Describes the width of the left border of the item. | |
LineHeight | Describes the height of a line of text. | |
LineSpacing | Line spacing | |
MaxLevel | Specifies max level depth for ToC. | |
MinCondenseRate | Low limit for character condense rate. | |
NumeralLanguage | Specifies digit format as described by its primary language. | |
NumeralVariant | Specifies the variant of the digit format to use. | |
PaddingBottom | Specifies the amount of padding below the item. | |
PaddingLeft | Specifies the amount of padding to the left of the item. | |
PaddingRight | Specifies the amount of padding to the right of the item. | |
PaddingTop | Specifies the amount of padding above the item. | |
RightBorderColor | Describes the color of the right border of the item. | |
RightBorderStyle | Describes the style of the right border of the item. | |
RightBorderWidth | Describes the width of the right border of the report. | |
ShadowOffset | Gets the shadow offset. | |
ShrinkToFit | Shrink to Fit | |
TextAlign | Describes the horizontal alignment of the text of the item. | |
TextDecoration | Describes special text formatting for the item. | |
TextIndent | Gets the text indent. | |
TextJustify | TextJustify | |
TopBorderColor | Describes the color of the top border of the item. | |
TopBorderStyle | Describes the style of the top border of the item. | |
TopBorderWidth | Describes the height of the top border of the item. | |
VerticalAlign | Describes the vertical alignment of the text of the item. | |
WrapMode | Wrap mode | |
WritingMode | Indicates whether the text is written horizontally or vertically. |