ActiveReports 11
Export(SectionDocument,Stream,String) Method

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.v11 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section Namespace > PdfExport Class > Export Method : Export(SectionDocument,Stream,String) Method
The ActiveReports Document object to export.
System.IO.Stream to save the PDF document.

A range of page numbers. Ranges are indicated by the use of a hyphen between the starting and ending page numbers in the range. Single pages may also be included. Each range or single page is separated by a comma.

Exports the specified document to a PDF stream.
Public Overloads Sub Export( _
   ByVal document As SectionDocument, _
   ByVal stream As Stream, _
   ByVal pageRange As String _
public void Export( 
   SectionDocument document,
   Stream stream,
   string pageRange


The ActiveReports Document object to export.
System.IO.Stream to save the PDF document.

A range of page numbers. Ranges are indicated by the use of a hyphen between the starting and ending page numbers in the range. Single pages may also be included. Each range or single page is separated by a comma.

See Also


PdfExport Class
PdfExport Members
Overload List